Monday, 16 December 2013

Roof Ventilation Blogs - Whirlybirds and Solar Ventilation

We found some really cool Roof Ventilation Blogs which you can check out for ideas on eave vents and other bits and pieces.

They just released FREE eBooks at to give their users and fans some extra material if they need it to send around and downlaod.

This material is all about giving back to Whirlybird, Solar Ventilation and wind powered roof ventilation users on the website!

So check them out, and if you have any issues, you can contact them here:

And find out about their recent blog post here:

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Solar Powered Roof Ventilators

Solar Powered Roof Ventilation

If you're looking for some solar powered roof ventilation this summer. Look no further! Solar Powered roof ventilation can be found at the following locations Solar Whiz and if you're after more information it can all be found at .

Other alternatives for solar powered roof ventilation are:
- Whirlybirds
- Whirlygigs
- Whirlybird Businesses
- Warehouse Ventilation and Corporate Buildings Ventilation
- Roof Ventilation and solar ventilation in residential buildings and whirlybirds
- Solar Whiz units around Melbourne and Australia to replace the whirlybird

These can all be found around Melbourne and Australia (even Brisbane where it gets quite hot) and you can beat the heat for summer.

So be sure to find information and topics at Roof Ventilation Blog on categories like Whirlybirds and Tips and Tricks to stay cool during the hot days when your roof space begins to heat up.

Passive cooling is not something which is very popular so we recommend you learn more about how much more air a unit which performs solar cooling moves. It can be up to 3100 cbic meters of air if you look at massive units at what the Enviroshop sell!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Whirlybirds Roof Ventilation FACTS

If you really want to stack up the facts with the Whirlybirds and see how successful their roof ventilation really are you can have a read of many discussions on forums and blogs.

Some of the best whirlybird reviews can be found below:

There's a lot of great discussion on these topics but probably the most valuable Whirlybirds (Whirlygigs) information can be found on this link:

With Money Saving Tips and roof ventilation tricks so you can beat the heat in summer, the roof ventilation blog is one of the best sources of knowledge and advice.
Banner and Roof Ventilation alternatives

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Roof Ventilation Alternatives

Roof Ventilation Alternatives - November 27th - 2013

Roof Ventilation Alternatives, whirlybirds, whirlybird, roof vent, extractor fan, air vent, ventilation systems
Roof Ventilator, Roof Ventilation Alternatives and Whirlybirds, Solar Ventilation vs Wind driven ventilators

Here is a variety of roof ventilation options which can be used in your household or business!

With these to choose from, any type of home can be ventilated!

STRONG VENTILATION OPTIONS (2000+): Solar Whiz , Solar Vent
MEDIUM VENTILATION OPTIONS (1000-2000): Solar WhizSolar Star
LOW VENTILATION OPTIONS (-1000): Edmonds Maestro , Whirlybirds

These are the various ventilation alternatives available to you when you want to ventilate your new first home.

For first home buyers, these are the best and cheapest alternatives which can be used!